Glacial Moraine that has been cut through by a river. The underlying Permafrost has kept the slope from failing, resulting in the steep slope.
Another side of the glacial moraine, the steepness of the slope is even more obvious here
The Bake in Denali Alaska, thawing permafrost led to soil subsidence below the building, collapsing the building.
My lovely wife showing off where a Moose has been snacking on some Birch Bark
The first leaves of Fall in Denali (Taken August 19th 2023
A tiny Alaskan Squirrel snacking on a tiny Alaskan Pinecone.
My favorite photo of the trip. This squirrel ran up a tree to look at me. I snapped without Aiming my camera and it turned out perfect!
The Spiral nasal cavities in the Musk Ox serve to warm air as it enters their body. In a warming climate this can cause issues, See the Saiga Antelope.
A Momma moose and a baby moose in a pond.
The most perfect example of a drunken tree.
Beautiful Example of the shallow roots of the Black Spruce.
A creek runs into the outflow of a hot spring. You can see the steam coming off of the hot spring outflow.