Front half of Stegosaurus from Utah Morrison Formation
Back half of Stegosaurus from Utah Morrison Formation
An Albertosaurus from the Judith River Formation in Alberta
Thescelosaurus from the Hell Creek Formation in Montana
An Edmontosaurus from the Hell Creek formation in Montana and a sculpture of a Dromaeosaurus
MORE CRINOIDS! And other, less important fossils
This rock sure is the Schist. But who doesn’t like some Garnet growth
Some good old Wisconsin Red Granite from some Precambrian plutons Up North. If you’re thinking, but that looks like Missouri Red Granite, then yes. That is not a coincidence. Probably
Fluorescent Minerals (Sadly they didn’t have a switch to turn off the blacklight so we could look at Phosphorescence)
Fluorescent minerals
A big ole Texan Ammonite
Pteranodon from Kansas
Geologic map of North Dakota
Triceratops skull
Deinonychus statue
A Late Cretaceous cast of a Kansan Pteranodon
Ammonites are purdy
Blue Halite, the Blue comes from both gamma radiation from epigenetic sediments containing K40 and tectonic deformation form Kłodawa Poland.
Citation: Zelek, S.M., Stadnicka, K.M., Toboła, T. et al. Miner Petrol (2014) 108: 619.
I wonder if this was the limit in here was space or material?
I’ve been stabbed by some of this in class before!
Triceratops from the Hell Creek Formation in North Dakota
I just thought it was funny that they had slag in their case
It’s a North Dakota museum, of course theres something about Fracing